

Gunz Online
Guild Wars
Lineage 2
Diablo 2
Legend of Mir 3
Myth of Soma
Legend of Mir 2

My Search

As you might have gathered, I have been playing Mir for awhile. Started from BETA, quit, came back again. Had a slight break then came back again. And over these few years I have done loads of things in Mir. I've lost count of how many times they have changed the look of potions. I can also remember when Spitting Spiders, were small and green.
Well over the period of time, I have killed many things, and sometimes, only sometimes got something out of pure luck.
Like once I got cross halfmoon book, which I sold for 10mill. That was probably my greatest find, and I didn't have to share the money lol. I do remember also once on my taoist, I found a DC0-6 Skeleton Ring, I shared it with my dad lol, got about 3mill for it. When I found that, my eyes nearly rolled out.
Altogether my experience in Mir has been quite pleasent, but sometimes not too good, when Mir goes down, or I get pk'd.
Oh yes, also I do remember the time when I got ripped off. I was in Bichon looking for a guild (this was on my old taoist, daneo). A dude was selling one and I said 800k + trap hexagon book (trap hexagon book was worth abit in them days). He said OK, he joined me to guild, made me leader. I handed him the stuff, then he booted me from guild then teleported. Lol, I find that funny now, but then it weren't as much =).
Overal Mir so far has been a good game to play and I would recommend it to anyone who would listen, sometimes though it can get boring, but most time it is really fun.
Well, my adventures in Mir will continue, continue to get better items, continue to level up and continue to get PK'd.
Cheers for reading this article.




Created by Daneo
Copyright 2005